Lugansk Cathedral Mosque

Lugansk Cathedral Mosque
Basic information
Location Lugansk, Ukraine
Affiliation Islam
District Lugansk
Status Active
Architectural description
Architectural type Mosque
Completed 2010
Capacity 500
Minaret(s) 1
Minaret height 25 meters

The Lugansk Cathedral Mosque is located in Lugansk, Ukraine.


During the 19th century Kazan Tatars from central Russia moved to the Donbas area of southern Ukraine to work in the mines and factories. The number of Kazan Tatars to the Luhansk region grew to around 400,000. Tatars had their own mosques and schools; however, the Soviet regime quickly closed them. On May 29, 2010 the Lugansk Cathedral mosque officially opened. The mosque building is a two-storied construction with an area of 550 square meters. In a basement floor there is a sports hall and a kitchen. On the ground floor there is a library, classroom, and office.